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Fall is Here: Maintenance Tips for Your Home’s Exterior

Colder Weather: Preparation is Key

Homeowners in Beaverton, Oregon, know that when the summer is over here in the Pacific Northwest, it’s time to start preparing the house for fall and winter. Colder weather brings new challenges to homeowners because freezing temperatures can cause damage to an ill-prepared home. While certain aspects of the home may need a local West Linn contractor to address them, other issues can be taken care of by homeowners themselves. Check out this maintenance checklist to help prepare the family home!

Fall Siding Maintenance

A house’s siding protects it from the elements. Homeowners should make sure to do the following.

Clean Siding

Make sure to clean the home’s exterior siding thoroughly. Over the summer, dirt, mildew, and other debris can accumulate on the siding. Additionally, certain species of bugs and other critters like to build their nests in the siding’s crevices. Clean those areas thoroughly to avoid infestation or, at the least, unwelcome winter guests.

Inspect the Siding for Damage

Ensure that all of the home’s siding is free from holes and cracks. Additionally, look for areas where the siding material has pulled away from the house. It’s essential to look for these issues in the home’s siding because when cold weather hits, cold air can sneak in through any holes and cracks. These holes can significantly increase winter utility bills related to heating the home.

Repair Damaged Siding

As previously mentioned, damaged siding can result in higher heating bills during cold weather. Additionally, damaged siding may worsen over the fall and winter if not addressed promptly. Promptly address any cracks found in the siding. Excess moisture and air leaks can cause expensive damage. Look for issues between the house’s trim and siding. These issues are the most common occurrence of moisture leaking inside of the home. Repair any of these cracks with caulk. If the damage is too extensive for a DIY-fix, make sure to contact a reputable siding contractor to come out to the home and repair it before the winter.

Trim Plants and Trees

Make sure to clear any plants, shrubs, or trees that are encroaching on the home. During the winter, tree limbs can break and fall onto the house. Additionally, melting snow and ice can drip from nearby trees onto the siding. While siding is designed to withstand the elements, it’s still a good idea to keep it away from preventable moisture to maximize its usable lifespan.

Clean the Gutters

Homeowners should not attempt to clean their gutters alone. When gutters get clogged with leaves and other debris, water drips down the side of the home. Additionally, clogged downspouts can cause other issues for the house, so it’s best to make sure all downspouts are free of debris as well. Contact a roofing company or a gutter contractor to get those gutters cleared out for fall!

Other Exterior Maintenance Tips

It’s essential to prepare the home’s siding for fall and winter. There are other areas of the home’s exterior that need a bit of a checkup before that cold weather hits!

Check the Foundation

Homeowners should look for cracks in the home’s foundation. Make sure to caulk any areas where moisture can enter the house. These areas include places such as where the masonry of the house meets the siding. Additionally, make sure to check around doorframes and windows and where pipes enter the home. This method will help prevent heat from escaping during the winter. Moreover, this will help prevent moisture from entering the house and freezing. This moisture can cause cracks in the home’s foundation.

Remove ScreensSiding Maintenance West Linn

To increase the home’s heat retention, make sure to install storm windows and doors. Remove any screens installed for the spring and summer. Before storing the screens, make sure to clean and repair them. Consider purchasing a protective coating to spray on the screens before storing them in a dry place, such as the garage or basement.

Inspect Exterior Walls

Make sure to look for any places the paint is peeling or blistering on the exterior of the home. If the paint is peeling, this may mean that the existing paint film is failing. This failure means the paint won’t protect the siding of the home during the winter. Make sure to repaint if needed, as the home’s siding will deteriorate without proper protection.

Check the Roof

Do not attempt any roofing projects alone. Contact a reputable roofing contractor to repair any issues on the home’s roof. Make sure to replace any missing or loose shingles. The roof is often the first layer of defense for any home. Rapid change of temperature, ice, and humidity can cause a lot of problems for the home’s roof. It’s much easier to be proactive about any roof problems than to try and address a leaky roof in the middle of the winter. Keep the family comfortable and get a professional roofer out to the home to check the roof’s condition.

Weather-Strip the Garage Door

If the home has a garage door, make sure that it is prepared for the winter as well. Check the seal between the ground and the bottom of the door; make sure it’s tight to avoid loss of heat and uninvited critter guests.

Inspect the Driveway

Make sure the driveway doesn’t have any cracks. Make sure to clean out any cracks and repair the damage with filler. Then, coat the driveway with a commercial sealer to protect it from the winter’s weather.

How Can We Help?

Here at EvoSiding, we can help Beaverton, Oregon homeowners, with any winterizing project for their home. If the house’s siding needs repair or replacement, make sure to contact us before that cold winter weather hits! We are also proud to be experienced roofing contractors. We can help repair any problems with the home’s roof to avoid any cold weather issues. Call today for an estimate and to talk to our contractors.

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Fall is Here: Maintenance Tips for Your Home’s Exterior

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